WordPress Android App

So I have just downloaded the Android app for this craic. I like the reader but as for posting it’s just like texting & I’m no fan of texting too much.
The app interface is a bit more paired back so it is a little easier to get around.
I’m glad I found it though as I can now keep up with all you guys with the reader. All new posts show up in the Reader. Reminds me a little of Twitter with more words!
Try it out for yourselves! O(∩_∩)O

New Media Production

Second Class tonight.

This WordPress lark can get quite confusing alright but for the past week I have actually spent the time just pointing the mouse and clicking. Sometimes I have ended up in places where I didn’t intend to go but it’s all about the journey. Sometimes going the way one did not intend to go can be a massive and interesting adventure in itself. I am trying not to get frustrated with working my way around WordPress but sometimes it is difficult. I think the people who are developing it could do with making things a little more intuitive but that is not going to solve my wrong turns at the moment.

Here is to a wonderful adventure taking the wrong turns around the world of blogs.

 Now on with the galleries….

Sketchbook time

I got the sketchbook so now the work starts in earnest I guess. I am busily looking around for photos that interest me in some way and of course I am thinking what the hell did we do before the internet. I really like this guy Kenneth O’Halloran (his website http://www.kennethohalloran.com ) and his series entitled ‘Life After Death’. A lot of the photos remind me of my father especially this one http://www.kennethohalloran.com/#/PROJECTS/Life%20After%20Death/39/ and also this one  http://www.kennethohalloran.com/#/PROJECTS/Life%20After%20Death/22/ . My father was of the same generation with a very similar set of moral values and I think that O’Halloran shows this in his work. I the viewer pick up on this I think would be my aim for the documentary photography project. I want the viewer to relate to what is in the photo and even perhaps be able to relate it to their own lives.

There are loads more photos but not enough time in the day so back to the sketchbook for a while. Now if I could just get my printer to work properly……


Photography Overload

Wow what a day!!

Well what can I say, long, VERY interesting, thought provoking, warm rooms, dead battery, missing SD card, brain on overload, new Flicker account, thoughts’ flying, coveting cameras, looking through different eyes and lots more.

Here is a copy of what I done in the lab. Credit for the photo goes to Siobhan I guess, I just did some of the editing work on it. Photoshop can do soooo much.


I really enjoyed getting outside and having a look around to find the elusive letters. I have put some of the photos up on my new Flicker account where my username is DebraDonovan. I found that I was getting sucked in closer and closer to items to try and find some of those elusive letters. I caught myself and had to pretty much tell myself to stand back and look all around. The shapes, textures and light I wanted could be found everywhere not just by looking closer and closer at the things around me. I have to remember to look at the big picture also, not to get absorbed with the closer and closer approach.

It almost felt like reading a good book. The more involved I get with a book the closer I bring it to my face, the more hunched my back gets, the smaller my body gets. Imagine curling up on the couch with that book (really curled up). I had somewhat of the same sensation when I was out getting those photographs yesterday. The more I was getting into it the more I was kneeling, bending, arching and moving in order to get that shot. I think I got a few that might be worthy of the final pick. I will have to wait and see.

Even though I did not pick up a camera today I still found myself looking out for interesting angles, shapes and stuff in general that could make that shot happen. I was so wiped after yesterday I thought I needed a day to refresh but it has crept up on me. I am looking at everything now.

Note to self: Bring camera everywhere!! 🙂